Knit Stitch of the Week

This week it’s a really simple and beautiful stitch: The Starburst
Stitch and Row Counts
Worked over a multiple of 4 sts and 4 rows this is a wonderfully easy to incorporate stitch for any pattern worked in the round.
k Knit
SM Stitch marker
star (K3tog, yo, k3tog) in the same 3 sts
St(s) Stitch(es)
k3tog Knit three sts together
Round 1: (k1, star) to end of round
Round 2: k around
Round 3: k3, (star, k1) to last at, slip st to right needle, remove SM, replace at on left needle work the first knit 3 rig of the star, replace SM, finish the star. Round 4: k around
Here’s the video showing the starburst in action.