I was recently walking through a local market when someone attempted to sell my daughter a bow holder for over £5. This is exceptionally steep for about 30 seconds of sewing and some ribbon, plus my daughter doesn’t have that mush cash to splash about the place. Besides which she'd rather save her pennies for the next Jo Jo Bow. I brought my distraught girl home and promised her I would make one for her.

These are really pretty, can be made in any colour to suit your, or your child’s, decor and will hold as many bows as you prefer. Mine are about a yard long, you can make yours any length that suits.

What you will need
Sewing Machine
Three colour matching ribbons of different widths I used 1″, 3/4″ and 1/2″
Some bows!
Lets get Started on our Bow Storage
Measure out around 1 yard of each ribbon and cut them to length.
Note: the narrowest ribbon should have an extra 3″ of length to create the loop.
Snip one end of all three ribbons to create a v shape or a point, the point method is demonstrated in the video at the end of this photo tutorial.
Layer the three ribbons on top of each other and pin the ends once you like that way they are placed.
Now line up the other end of the ribbons and curve under the narrowest ribbon to create a loop and pin in place.
You are ready to sew it all up!
Set your stitch length to less than 1 for a dense stitch and the stitch type to a wide zigzag. Then simple sew across the centre ribbon to trap the loop in place. Reverse back over the first stitches when you reach the end of the middle ribbon for a secure block of stitches.
Once you have completed this step you can now hide up that stitching with a larger bow and add the rest to your new Bow Storage.
It’s really simple right?
I’d love to see your bows on their new ribbon holders. Please tag me in your instagram posts with #babsgetscrafty so I can check them out. These are so much nicer than stuffed in draws or bags.
If you fancy a video for this make check me out below, apologies for the strange colour but I was a tad burnt after a school trip to the beach last week. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far and I don’t do well in the heat!
Stay Safe,
Babs x