With the start of the family being cooped up together I began my epic journey into crafts, new, comfortably familiar and those from way back when.
My first foray was to create some rag rugs, up cycling and getting my hands active in one fell swoop.
my DIY tasks began by re - upholstering the dining room chairs. As you can see they were threadbare before I began.
I then moved on to creating macrame curtains for the conservatory.
I completed several brioche jumpers, a very long open weave and cable jumper before running out of yarn to hand. It was too far to slog all the way over to ‘The Woollery‘ at the end of the garden to get new yarn so I perfected my unravelling technique with store bought sweaters.
From this new stash of yarn I created my version of pentagon cardigans, one for myself and another for my daughter ( which is currently languishing as a WIP)😳
I then moved onto practicing my hand quilting on my 5 Day Quilt, I may well be relaunching this free challenge if there’s interest.
Once I realised I could quilt by hand then I decided to finally make the Wedding Ring quilt I’d always promised myself. Completely sewn and quilted by hand I began this queen sized monster on 7th May. I’m almost finished now with only a few insets and the final
border to complete.
This whet my appetite and I then looked around for another quilt project, preferably upcycling something... I found the perfect solution in the Frozen quilt I’m finishing up now for my niece, not the one having a baby 😉
There were more quilts to come but more about those later as I seem to have covered quite a lot already.
Stay safe until next time,
Babs x